Aminet Uploads vom 05.05.1999

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Aminet Mirrorliste

GarTheme.lha         biz/dopus  542K+Garfield Theme for Opus Magellan II
FAQs-deutsch.lha     biz/haage   53K+FAQs, german version, 04 May 1999
FAQs-english.lha     biz/haage   45K+FAQs, english version, 04 May 1999
SPA-YAM2p7.lha       comm/mail   31K+Spanish LOCALE for Yam2.0preview7
FvdZAWebBut2.lha     comm/www     6K+Modified AWeb button set with added lock
AMCAF150Final.lha    dev/amos   505K+FREE FINAL RELEASE of the AMCAF Ext.
BlitzAndPieces.lha   dev/basic   12K+Some example Blitz Basic source (OS)
jikes-diffs.lha      dev/lang     8K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v.047 (diffs)
jikes.lha            dev/lang   513K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v.047 (source)
jikes000.lha         dev/lang   443K+Fast Java compiler,v.047 (68000 binary)
jikes020-060.lha     dev/lang   436K+Fast Java compiler,v.047 (68020-060,FPU)
numconv.lha          dev/misc     6K+Simple DEC/HEX/BIN/ASCII converter
Zip4mat.lha          disk/misc   99K+Automatically prep & format your zip dis
Phonecard-FAQ.lha    docs/misc   11K+PhoneCard FAQ
RussianRecipes.lha   docs/misc    3K+Russian recipes
BubbleBobbleFA.lha   game/hint   13K+FAQ to Bubble Bobble (best game ever!)
Jinxter.lha          game/hint    2K+Jinxter solution
Karateka.lha         game/hint    3K+Karateka solution
KingQ5.lha           game/hint   11K+King Quest5 solution & hints
LegOfKirandya.lha    game/hint    5K+Legend of Kirandya solution (English)
Arkanos.lha          game/misc  157K+Break out game with new features
ifx_jpeg.lha         gfx/ifx     74K+JPEG ImageFX loader. PPC version.
ScanTek4_5.lha       hard/drivr 203K+V4.5 Microtek/Highscreen/Mustek scanner 
LogiTech_BusMo.lha   hard/hack    1K+Amiga conversion of LogiTech Bus MouseMa
Sayett_LCD.lha       hard/hack    9K+Amiga interface for Sayett DATASHOW HR/M
Crazy_Song.lha       mods/med   414K+Song in Octamed 7 SoundStudio - MMD3
Dark_Night.lha       mods/med   268K+Song in Octamed 7 SoundStudio - MMD3
Ewery_Night.lha      mods/med   284K+Song in Octamed 7 SoundStudio - MMD3
New_Rein.lha         mods/med   299K+Song in Octamed 7 SoundStudio - MMD3
Oh_Susanne.lha       mods/med    56K+Song in Octamed 7 SoundStudio - MMD3
Pentium.lha          mods/med   270K+Song in Octamed 7 SoundStudio - MMD3
Sky_Orbit.lha        mods/symph 1.2M+Sky Orbit  By Thunder
scopext4.lha         mus/misc    52K+The AMIGA audio analyzer
CUFGrab1.jpg         pix/wb     465K+Grab from a Masses Workbench
wbgrab03.jpg         pix/wb     191K+JPG Grab of my 16Bit CyberVision 64/3D W
Russian-KOI8.lha     text/font    6K+Three russian fonts (KOI8 included)
nartest.lha          util/misc    4K+Say replacement; speech utility, V1.01 (
VisualGuide264.lha   util/misc   15K+Make filelist in AmigaGuide format.
PSXLoc.lha           util/rexx    2K+Displays PSX's Disc country lockout loca
RexxBGUI.lha         util/rexx   34K+Rexx access to BGUI
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© Petra Struck 05.05.1999